Know More About Sale Deed

What Is Sale Deed

sale deed is a legal document that is used during a property transaction as an evidence of sale and transfer of ownership of a property from a seller to the buyer. This is the main document for the transfer of ownership. A sale deed is also referred to as the final deed or conveyance deed.

What is the meaning of sale deed

sale deed acts as the main legal document for evidencing sale and transfer of ownership of property in favour of the buyer, from the seller. … The sale deed is the main document by which a seller transfers his right on the property to the purchaser, who then acquires absolute ownership of the property.

Is sale deed same as registration

Registration of the property is a full and final agreement signed between two parties ie., buyer and seller. … Registration of property through the execution of a Sale Deed is done at Sub-registrar office (Registration office) and mutation is done at local civic body office.

What is difference between sale deed and sale agreement

sale deed is drafted on the actual sale/transfer of the property. Once the deed is executed, the new buyer takes the complete ownership of the property.

Difference between agreement of sale and sale deed.

Points of difference

Agreement of sale

Sale deed


It implies the future transfer of the property

It signifies an immediate transfer of the property titles

What is the validity of sale deed

sale deed remains valid from the date of its execution there is no time limit for the same. This sale is meaningless and the transfer of this property by your father to this fellow is not a valid transfer at all.

Who prepares the deed of sale

The deed of sale is drafted by the seller and it includes the details of the transaction. The document should then be notarized by a lawyer, otherwise, it will have no power when presented to authorities or court.

Is sale deed a legal document

sale deed is a legal document used in property transactions as evidence for sale and transfer of ownership of property in favour of the buyer from the seller. … It is made for the sale or purchase of land or any construction made on it

How sale deed is executed

The deed is executed by all the parties and all pages of the deed are signed. The deed should be witnessed by at least two witnesses giving their full names, signatures, and addresses. The buyer should ensure the title of the seller is clear before the execution of the sale deed.

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Documents Required For Sale Deed

*Previous Deed

*Present Khata

*Latest Tax Paid Receipt

*Vendor (Aadhar & Pan Card)

*Vendee (Aadhar & Pan Card)