Know More About Gift Deed

What Is Gift Deed

Gift deed as a legal document that describes the voluntary transfer of gift from a donor (owner of the property) to donee (receiver of gift) without any exchange of money. The donor must be solvent and should not use this tool for tax evasion and illegal gains.

Can gift deed property be sold

Yes, the property received under Gift Deed can be sold. Provided, that you have received the property under registered Gift Deed without any condition attached. … However, in the case of the registered Gift Deed, donor and do-nee both need to acquiesce for revocation.

Can Gift Deed Be Cancelled

gift deed cannot be cancelled unless the donee has obtained the same through either by fraud, coercion, misrepresentation or undue influence from the donor. Court Fees will be as per the value of the property.

Can Mother gift property to son

The procedure to transfer the property from mother to son is by way of Gift Deed. The Registration cost is not as high as in case of registration of Sale Deed. You need to bring Demand draft around Rs. 6000/- towards Stamp Fees and another Demand Draft around

Which is better a will or a gift deed

Transfer through a gift deed is better when the need to transfer is on an immediate basis, whereas if an individual wants the property to move on to his /her successors only after his/her death, then writing a will may be the best way out

Can gift deed be challenged by legal heirs

The gift deed can certainly be questioned in the court of law by filling a suit for such declaration. However, it will be challenged only if you are able to establish that the execution of the deed was not as per the wish of the donor or was executed under misrepresentation, fraud etc.

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Documents Required For Gift Deed Registration

*Mother Deed

*Present Khata

*Latest Tax Paid Receipt

*Vendor (Aadhar & Pan Card)

*Vendee (Aadhar & Pan Card)