Know More About Cancellation Deed Registration

What Is Cancellation Deed

The cancellation of sale deed can be done bilaterally by the seller and purchaser if there is an agreement to this effect. … The registrar is bound to register the cancellation deed when presented both by the seller and purchaser. 3. After the execution of cancellation the buyer ceases to have any rights in the property.

Can registered property be Cancelled

Once a document is registered, it is cancelled by filing a suit for cancellation in Civil Court. The court satisfies itself regarding the illegality in the document. … Registering Authority is not empowered to cancel the registered document.

Who can file cancellation of sale deed

In one casecancellation of deed can be sought in a Court only by a person who executed document and who perceives that such document is void or voidable. In the other case, even if a person is not a party to the document, he can maintain a suit for declaration.

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Documents Required For Cancellation Deed

*Mother Deed

*Present Khata

*Latest Tax Paid Receipt

*Vendor (Aadhar & Pan Card)

*Vendee (Aadhar & Pan Card)