Know More About Encumbrance Certificate (E.C)

What Is E.C (Encumbrance Certificate)

EC is Record Given by the Sub Registrar Office for The particular Property.It contains the Record of all the Registered Transactions Referring to Particular Land,plot,Flat or Property in the Given time of Span.

How Is E.C Issued

However EC is Issued in Two forms i.e Form no 15 and Form no 16.

In Form no 15 Details of Each Transaction over the years is Mentioned, Whereas Form no 16 is a Nil Entry or Nil Certificate That no Registered Transactions here have been Found in time of Span.

In Simplified Language A person who wants to buy a property ,Land , Flat, will get EC from the Nearest Sub Registrar Office to Make Sure that it is Not sold Already yo some one else ,It is Not Mortgaged in Banks for taking loans ,Given as collateral Security ETC.Minimum 30 years EC is Advised to Take while Buying Property.

Even though EC Doesn’t Provide full Information All other Documents Are subjected For Scrutinized.

Below Attached Sample Of EC/ Encumbrance Certificate.

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Documents Required For Encumbrance Certificate

*Previous EC

*Title Deed