Know More About Material Transfer Agreement

What do you mean by material transfer agreement

A Material Transfer Agreement (MTA) is a contract that governs the transfer of tangible research materials between two organizations, when the recipient intends to use it for his or her own research purposes. The MTA defines the rights of the provider and the recipient with respect to the materials and any derivatives.

Do I need a material transfer agreement

A Materials Transfer Agreement is required when material (including biological materials, compounds, equipment, prototypes, data) for use in research projects is to be transferred into or out of the University on a noncommercial basis, i.e. the material is not being bought or sold.

Key factors/ issues that are outlined in a material transfer agreements:

  • It defines the ownership of the materials and modifications that can be done to it

  • Explains the Permitted uses of the materials

  • Does the recipient has the ability to transfer the materials, modifications, and derivatives to third parties

  • Rights to data and other research results obtained through the use of the materials, including the right to publish

  • Rights to inventions and discoveries resulting from the use of the materials

  • Reporting and confidentiality obligations relating to the use of the materials


Material Agreement Between Two Companies

A material transfer agreement is a type of legally enforceable contract employed by research institutions and companies to set the terms under which their materials and associated data may be obtained and used by others. … Material Transfer Agreements are required for the transfer of tangible research materials.


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